Rajanaka Newsletter, The India Fund Raiser and December Schedule
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Aho’ Rajanaka,
I hope this finds you well. I’ve been conjuring courses for next year. Next year. That’s about 31 days from now? How can that be? Our Rajanaka together is coming to well-past 20 years and it’s more than 45 years ago I began to study with Appa. What do you say to at least another 20? But let’s get to December’s schedule. Yoga wasn’t made in a weekend. It took a lot of weekends. And some week nights too. Here is the schedule and Sessions for December.
· TOMORROW is Thursday, December 1st and we’re returning to Gayatri Sessions. We have two in the Archive you can access at anytime from Dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/r58rwnp3ryxgi6a6y8yme/h?dl=0&rlkey=59kbd7hjdrl8n809zv8becmdi
The remaining schedule is: December 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd. That will bring us to our promised six Sessions.
You can join anytime, any Session. I hope you do. It’s really worth it.
Zoom link for all Thursdays: https://rochester.zoom.us/j/98183733328
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd and 4th, 5pm Eastern both days.
ZOOM LINKS will be our usual Saturday and Sunday links as always.
Register by simply coming to the Zoom or accessing the Archive. Tuition is on your honor.
Saturday Zoom: https://rochester.zoom.us/j/95057662268
Sunday Zoom: https://rochester.zoom.us/j/314987250
Archive for Shakuntala: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/osx5n6i9vrz5vi5ek9vch/h?dl=0&rlkey=pa7akqysgrauu07mw9te61yb1
You needn’t do any reading in preparation, I’m going to tell the story very thoroughly with you! But if you like the translation from Ryder (famous and old fashioned) is already on the Archive. I will be using the translation from Barbara S. Miller (with my own emendations) from Theatre of Memory (Columbia University Press, available on Amazon, etc.) A close reading of Kalidasa’s greatest work of theatre is the gateway to the study of the Heroine. This is a great chance to study not only one of the masterpieces of Sanskrit literature but the complex story of one of India’s most revealing, powerful, and important heroines. The Heroine is a subject filled with invaluable insights for our own lives. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO INDIA. TUITION IS $150 OR WHATEVER YOU CAN AFFORD. If you can’t make the Course think about contributing to our good friends in India. They have worked and supported us and our work for years and years. I mean to do everything I can to help them. You can register for this Special Weekend by paying tuition (or by making a contribution in any amount) to this PayPal address: nallapaampu@gmail.com. If you want to use Venmo, then use douglas-brooks-8 (or svcourses@gmail.com).
· Saturday Early Winter Core, OM: An Autobiography of the Eternal Sound.
SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER: December 10th and 17th. (Saturday, December 3rd is for Shakuntala!)
Where does OM originate? What is its purpose and meaning? How does the practice of OM evolve from Veda to Tantra? How does one practice with OM and how can OM be further interpreted and applied to one’s life?
ZOOM link for all Saturdays (same for core and free conversations): https://rochester.zoom.us/j/95057662268
HERE is the Saturday recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/11jd30d14ibjjtv3wauaj/h?dl=0&rlkey=1wugbag9m7myo1c50gt6qoa6d
Tuition: Four Session tuition is $125 (that is, $125 for Fall, $125 for Early Winter). Archive recordings available forever, etc. Use this address for Paypal or Venmo: svcourses@gmail.comYou may also use nallapaampu@gmail.com for PayPal and douglas-brooks-8 for Venmo. IF you register for both Fall and Early Winter Saturday Cores tuition is $225 (save $25). If you need help with tuition, please write to me.
· SUNDAY MAHABHARATA resumes for two more Sessions in December, the 11th and the 18th. Dozens of Sessions. Tuition: $20 per Session or $15 if you buy a lot of them. Your call. Complete Archive INCLUDING a free Audio book is here:
Zoom Link is the same for all Sundays:
We’ll surely do something fun for Christmas week and through the New Year. I’ll have a schedule with new Winter Spring Sessions that will begin in January. I have Practicum and other studies coming. Come when you can. It’s a lifetime of learning together.
There’s a lot more, some of it redundant (surprise!) under the line here but I wanted very much for you put this weekend on your radar. Come tomorrow at 7pm for Gayatri! Come Saturday and Sunday to meet the Heroine Shakuntala. This is wonderful soul work, and we all need that.
See you soon, and please take good care.
Saprema, Douglas
ZOOM LINK FOR ALL SUNDAY SESSIONS including all Mahabharata:
· Saturday Early Winter Core, OM: An Autobiography of the Eternal Sound. Where does OM originate? What is its purpose and meaning? How does the practice of OM evolve from Veda to Tantra? How does one practice with OM and how can OM be further interpreted and applied to one’s life?
ZOOM link for all Saturdays (same for core and free conversations): https://rochester.zoom.us/j/95057662268
HERE is the Saturday recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/11jd30d14ibjjtv3wauaj/h?dl=0&rlkey=1wugbag9m7myo1c50gt6qoa6d
· Sunday Mahabharata Sessions. We are going to study the Mahabharata because there is nothing better in the whole of India grand corpus of learning. EACH Session stands on its own. You can come to them all or come when you can. There is no falling behind, no catching up, there is only the desire to step into the story a few pages at a time. Each Session carries forward Books 2 and 3 and each provides the summary and furtherance you need to enjoy the epic. Mahabharata is epic and in fifteen weeks we can dive into its wonders. There is an Archive of past Sessions but this is not required to enjoy any given Sunday. Come. This is really worth it.
HERE is the Mahabharata recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bfqt15y3n0uglir/AAAB_89LiCOob0hJI1w8BK7_a?dl=0
· The Early Winter Thursday will focus on the traditions of the Gayatri mantra in Veda and Tantra. Gayatri becomes a focal point for the earliest Vedic traditions and then evolves into a concept of the Goddess and of mantra practice that extends into the greater pantheon of deities. To learn Gayatri in theory and practice will enrich your understanding of every facet of the history of yoga and its evolution from Veda to Tantra. All materials will be provided, no particular familiarity is required or necessary. Open hearts, an honest commitment, and rich rewards. Our study includes close reading, some chanting and mantra, meditations, and even mudra studies.
ZOOM link for all Thursdays: https://rochester.zoom.us/j/98183733328
HERE is the Gayatri recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/r58rwnp3ryxgi6a6y8yme/h?dl=0&rlkey=59kbd7hjdrl8n809zv8becmdi
You register for Sessions by showing up on Zoom, the links always listed publicly.
You pay tuition by using Venmo (svcourses@gmail.com or douglas-brooks-8) or PayPal to svcourses@gmail.com or nallapaampu@gmail.com) or if you’re not inclined send me an email and we’ll work it out.
Six Sessions tuition is $200 (that is, $200 for Fall, $200 for Early Winter.) All Sessions will be recorded and can be accessed at any time. You can pay over time. You can even pay less but you are on your honor to pay something. Fair?
You register by paying tuition using PayPal or Venmo directly. There is no other registration required. Just use the Zoom link and come when you can!! The Zoom link and the Archive will be published in every Rajanaka Newsletter. If PayPal or Venmo don’t suit you, you can write to me and we’ll arrange a check or rupees via carrier pigeons (all the crows are busy).
You may also use nallapaampu@gmail.com for PayPal and douglas-brooks-8 for Venmo.
IF you register for BOTH Fall and Early Winter Thursdays tuition is $375 (save $25).
Four Sessions tuition is $125 (that is, $125 for Fall, $125 for Early Winter). Archive recordings available forever, etc.
Use this address for Paypal or Venmo: svcourses@gmail.com
You may also use nallapaampu@gmail.com for PayPal and douglas-brooks-8 for Venmo.
IF you register for both Fall and Early Winter Saturday Cores tuition is $225 (save $25).
SUNDAY MAHABHARATA if you purchase all 15 weeks in advance is $250 (or $20 per Session.)
I hope you find tuition reasonable. We are trying to keep things afloat here and in India.
HERE ARE LINKS TO PREVIOUS COURSES ALL OF WHICH ARE ACCESSIBLE VIA OUR DROPBOX ARCHIVES. You register by downloading the Archive. There are no special codes, you’re on your honor. To get the full recording you must download. If you listen from Dropbox you will only hear the first hour. (I answer this question at least twice a week.)
· NYC 2022 The Origins of Kali, here’s the Archive Link:
In NYC we had a grand time exploring some of the most ancient sources of Kali and Warrior Traditions. The Archive for NYC KALI is available for the taking. Tuition is $150 for the entire recordings. You register by dropping your rupees in the PayPal or Venmo accounts (svcourses@gmail) and downloading from Dropbox. Tuition: $125.
· The 1000 Names of Goddess Lalita, the Lalitasahasranama. We met for more than the scheduled SIX Sessions. Renowned for its richness, LSN is also a handbook of Goddness Tantra, especially in consideration of the historical commentaries (particularly the Saubhagyabhaskara of Bhaskararaya). I will provide the text. We will focus on learning the history and content of the text, its interpretations, and its practice. Our study includes close reading, some chanting and mantra, meditations, and even mudra studies. Our Thursday Courses offer useful teachings and practices that will take you to the heart of Rajanaka. PayPal or Venmo (svcourses@gmail.com). Tuition: $200.
Here is the recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/18o5rtle7p91hz2/AADQnph8ofpPAX5mtW7mX-L4a?dl=0
· Essential Patanjali Yoga, A Saturday Core Course. This course for students and teachers is designed to provide a true foundation for yoga studies. We met for more than the scheduled FOUR Sessions. You may be well-familiar with Patanjali and the rise of Classical Yoga but this course will zero in on the most important sutras, their meaning and context, and how they relate to practice. We will consider Patanjali in the history of yoga and as an influence on contemporary practice. This would be very good opportunity for any student, beginner or advanced, and would be well-suited to students currently involved in teacher trainings or immersions. Learn the basics, dive deep. Learn how to teach this core text and tradition. PayPal or Venmo (svcourses@gmail.com). Tuition: $125.
Here is the recorded archive: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2qd7wc5qroiva3v/AAAaZPvnc9I2JQSrO88Iv1exa?dl=0
· FREE Saturdays are a story, a few good laughs and insights, whatever it takes to get the highway jammed with broken heroes on a last chance powerdrive. I’ll love you with all the madness in my soul. HERE IS THE ARCHIVE FOR 2022 SATURDAYS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bfqt15y3n0uglir/AAAB_89LiCOob0hJI1w8BK7_a?dl=0
AND HERE is the archive for hundreds more from 2020 and 2021 all are free:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m8dqip14rtb9677/AABuIF3G8S6WrQ99sjQIUX-ua?dl=0
· MAHABHARATA SUNDAYS. Dozens of Sessions. Tuition: $20 per Session or $15 if you buy a lot of them. Your call. Complete Archive INCLUDING a free Audio book is here:
There is also so much in The Rajanaka Archive. All of the Archive are now $200 or close to it so drop a dime, and download from Dropbox. Be honest. Look below here for some of the offerings and ask if you have any questions or interests. Don’t forget the Courses at rajanaka.com---there is so much available. Honestly, it’s a lifetime of learning that will take you several lifetimes. Remember that all of the past Saturday Conversations are free and there are nearly 100 Sessions. Also, tuition helps support our causes in India.
ALL PAST Gita Sessions and AsanaColab yoga classes are available HERE:
TUITION FOR EACH COURSE IS $200 OR it is yours if you have paid the original tuition.
The archive link for WEDNESDAY COURSE: SRIVIDYA: LALITA is here
The archive link for JULY 2021 SUMMER CAMP: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aj6k67zeyyq7f13/AACrNAQjnoVxBvxJo-5iExWfa?dl=0
The archive link for AUGUST 2021 SUMMER CAMP:
The archive link for Wednesday 2021 Fall Hanuman, Sundarakanda: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ctqccnvf441jt1v/AAC49ygwuzJIWshh8O0mpOB5a?dl=0
The archive link for the Rajanaka Practicum on Ganapati Mulamantra:
FOR SIVAKAMI ARCHIVE, it’s $200 to PayPal or Venmo and you can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ifddb0hglwrm5hx/AABGyYYfSJ9B_KHhU1LgdsT3a?dl=0
If you access offer tuition using PayPal (svcourses@gmail.com or Venmo douglas-brooks-8)
Tuition for the complete Śiva-Kāmī Sessions will be $200. Individual Sessions are $25.
Please use svcourses@gmail.com for Venmo or PayPal, or nallapaampu@gmail.com for PayPal. If PayPal or Venmo doesn’t work for you, write to me: douglas@rajanaka.com. Tuition for all of these courses is $200. Goes to good causes. Of course, if you paid tuition when you took the courses, they are yours for no further cost.
If you missed TK Practicum, in whole or in part, please avail yourself of the recordings and pay the tuition using Venmo (douglas-brooks-8) or PayPal (svcourses@gmail.com or nallapaampu@gmail.com.) If you’d like to send a check, that’s cool too, just drop me a line. Tuition for the complete Archive is $200. If you’ve already paid, we’re good, okay? I always want things to feel fair, accessible, because I think this learning belongs to the community. Here is the link to the recorded Tillai Kali Practicum Dropbox Archive: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/92i9dynnw78wcc7/AACHEbQ_1BMf7-qPGw7UQVpDa?dl=0
The Sivakamasundari Practicum was amazing. Tuition is the same $200 to PayPal or Venmo. The link is HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ifddb0hglwrm5hx/AABGyYYfSJ9B_KHhU1LgdsT3a?dl=0
2022 Rajanaka Camp: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kam31oxsq2bce45/AADr7p6rY6Rk7x8gQ1g_xUyLa?dl=0
HERE’S A FREEBEEEEE, a college class on the Tao De Ching: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0dfkocr0kx58xvc/AACQeJVhoSk5bXugltMxANlqa?dl=0
Dancer of the Forest 2021 Sessions: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eyvec7v53p8gasl/AAC0J_tvJaYir6fIXgADqD41a?dl=0
Hanuman in the Sundarakanda 2021:
Wednesdays in December 2021:
Srividya Goddesses 2021:
Everyday Rajanaka 2021:
NYC 2022 The Origins of Kali
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