
Showing posts from August, 2023

Rajanaka News August 28 2023: New Sessions for Fall, New Opportunities for Learning, Including Personal Tutorial

  Monday, August 28, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.   This is the first time in three years I’ve taken more than three weeks away from our Sessions.  Truth is, I miss ya’ and I’m eager to get back at it.   I confess I don’t “vacation” particularly well (and I have plenty to learn about this) but that might also be a feature of how much I still enjoy the work--- I confess I like hearing much less of my own voice and you know what they say about people who walk around talking to themselves.  It’s coming, I know but school is also here as soon as this Thursday.  And you’re going to be invited to that too.   So much yet to learn. We live in an age when  right now  people can  know  all sorts of things.  But it’s never not been true that  learning  with real value  takes time  and costs honest effort.  I figure I’m never going to have “enough” time, but this is because I want never to be less curious and look to appreciate more the  value  of time.  I can  feel  the fuse

Rajanaka News August 12, September Sessions, What's Rajanaka, & Pogo

  Saturday, August 12, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.  Gone fishin’.   Like Pogo.  Remember him?  Everyday it seems I look more and more like'im. For hearts, ideas and inspiration, rest and contemplation, and reclamation of soul.  We’ll resume regular programming come September.  New Sessions, we’ll get another chance to take some chances, land on the familiar and turn it unfamiliar, see what happens when we take up the new and unexplored, when we go deeper into the forest, to the ocean bottom, to the vault of the sky.  I hope you find some time in these next few weeks to replenish and inspirit yourselves as I hope to do.  Some people vacation from work, I vacation so that I can do a bit more work.  I promise to bring you what the journey brings. I want to urge you not to be deterred or concerned but to drop in yer' life-fishin' pole. Take a seat. When it comes to our Sessions, not by tuition or time, by all the busyness of the world or the tremors of di

Rajanaka Newsletter: August! September Sessions, Cool Stuff Ahead

  Saturday, August 5, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.  It’s been a rainy summer here in Bristol and with that very green and a lot of bunnies.  I never seen so many bunnies.  If you’re a fox or an owl, you’re likely happier than we are but we do love the bunnies.  What’s not to like?  None of us ‘round here want August to end, but it’d be wise to get wheels turning for fall.  I’m only three weeks from University (but who’s counting?)  Good news: I’ve not (yet) been indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the government.  Bad news: I  really  gotta’ finish cleaning the barn and prepare for school.  I tell myself that it’s a blessing to feel like there’s never enough time.  Really.  Wouldn’t you like more time to read?  To catch up on movies or TV?  Learn Sanskrit?  We can justly bemoan being busy about banalities (and excessive alliteration) but lots of the things I justgotstodo I might actually  enjoy  doing.  I hope as much for you.     It's easier than ever to kno