
Showing posts from July, 2023

Rajanaka Newsletter: Sessions, Circles, Lexemes, & Godsplaining

  Saturday, July 29, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.   I’ve been thinking some about where yoga has come and gone over the last twenty some years since we began our conversation.  I’ve been devising plans for the coming Fall Sessions.  But we’ll circle back to that later.   When we say “yoga” nowadays it means asana practice because that’s honestly what the word has come to mean even if that’s not  all  it means to you or me.  Words mean what people think they mean, so there’s no “real” meaning that is somehow being slighted.  Meaning, however socialized, gains nuance once it’s contrived in more tightly knit communities.  That’s like folks hitting the dance floor to express their feelings as they each hear the “same” song.  Meaning works like that: we in it together  and  by ourselves all at once. My favorite definition of yoga  isn’t Patanjali  is in the Gita where Krsna makes some fine repartee by drawing a circle of Maya around the word.   He's gonna godsplain

Rajanaka Newsletter: Sriracha, Collatz Conjectures, Monotypic Taxons, and Tony

  Saturday, July 22, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.  What’s with the weather?  Ummm, I think we know. And where has all the Sriracha gone?  Is it drought in Mexico or another Deep State Conspiracy?  Maybe get Jim Jordan on the job?  Maybe not.  Okay, not maybe either.  But we’re currently nursing that last bottle of perfect hot sauce, hoping for civilization to rear its sun-ripened chilied head before too soon. Got indictment?  When  that’s  the actual good news it’s a sure sign the world is both Gordian knotted and weirder than the Collatz Conjecture.  We are in some seriously undiscovered territory and Hamlet ain’t in it but let us not permit  the  astucious, glowering knave to hold us hostage when we can find all sorts of other ways to dance our tandava.   Tandava btw doesn’t  really  just mean dance unless that’s ‘round a fire on the way to the hunt.  We’ll cover that another time.  It’s important not to regularize the outrageous when our very souls are at stake