Rajanaka Newsletter, The India Fund Raiser and December Schedule
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Aho’ Rajanaka, I hope this finds you well. I’ve been conjuring courses for next year. Next year . That’s about 31 days from now ? How can that be? Our Rajanaka together is coming to well-past 20 years and it’s more than 45 years ago I began to study with Appa. What do you say to at least another 20? But let’s get to December’s schedule. Yoga wasn’t made in a weekend. It took a lot of weekends. And some week nights too. Here is the schedule and Sessions for December. · TOMORROW is Thursday, December 1 st and we’re returning to Gayatri Sessions. We have two in the Archive you can access at anytime from Dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/r58rwnp3ryxgi6a6y8yme/h?dl=0&rlkey=59kbd7hjdrl8n809zv8becmdi The remaining schedule is: December 1 st , 8 th , 15 th and 22 nd . That will bring us to our promised six Sessions. You can join anytime, any Session. I hope you do. It’s really worth it. Zoom link for all Thursda