January 25th, 2024 UPDATE: Rajanaka Winter Sessions, Summer Camp, and a Free Session This Saturday
Thursday, January 25, 2024 Aho’Rajanaka, I hope this finds you well. We’re going to need each other this year, maybe more than ever. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse or weirder, it will and you’ll feel a lot better in good company. It will be good to be in the conversation with you. India Pilgrimage this year was pretty darn wonderful this year, gotta’ say. Re-entry has been interesting. (N.B., not every use of the word “interesting” is a good thing, much like the word “fragrant.” Except when it isn’t. You take my point?) There are good stories yet to be told. And there are a few more Pilgrimage Diaries yet to come. I hope you’ve enjoyed these---all on the Rajanaka Substack and all free. I thought it prudent to take another week before we begin Winter Semester. It may some are actually looking forward to these Sessions, I sure am. But I think we need to get the word out and refreshed. When was the last time (maybe ever?) that you had a solid, serious