
Showing posts from June, 2023

Rajanaka Newsletter June 24 2023, Captain Nice, the Consciousness of Consciousness, and Camp

  Saturday, June 24, 2023   Aho’ Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.  I write too often about the ferocity of life ‘round here but the roar of the birds, the squirreling of squirrels---at least three varieties--- to say nothing of the plethora of bunnies, mimchunks…umm, chipmunks, and everything that comes out at night means never a dull or noiseless moment.  Sadie keeps us safe like the brindled Sarama the Vedic dog of yore. Folks think it’s peaceful out here in the countryside but that’s not the way the forest really works.  It more frequently a tournament of antagonisms, controversies, concours, rivalries, and plenny of mind-yer-own-bidddnesses-I’m-trying-to-do-stuffs.  None could really get along without the others (even if they don’t know that) and all are quite sure they aren’t always pals.  Unless you're prey, it’s usually enough to keep an eye out and sing along. I wish we humans were as naturally undissembled with one another because asking for too much should not have

Rajanaka Newsletter June 17 2023

 Saturday, June 17, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   I hope this finds you well.  It’s hardly been summer here, a week of smoke followed by a week of rain, Sadie the pup is far happier without the heat---but the heat’s on over here ‘cause Camp is coming and there’s still so much to prepare. Without you where would I be?  I  need  this purpose in life and, dare I say, we all need more than anodyne Dharma met, of course we can’t ignore the bills and banalities, but there has to be  some  conversation that inspires the mind and invites a maundering heart. Despite all the news that might preoccupy every square Plank length (that’s the smallest size of anything in the known universe, thus  1.6 x10 -35 m across) of our brains, including  only the first of several coming  indictment of a past US president, what  meant  the most to me was news of the passing of Cormac McCarthy.  If being human turns dust into gold then McCarthy returned us to dust so that we might reclaim the proleptical.   McCarthy is