
Showing posts from March, 2023

Rajanaka Newsletter March 25 2023

  Saturday, March 25, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   Gonna keep it short.     (You’re laughing already, I know, I know.  That guy?  Keeping it short?  He’s gonna die in mid-sentence and breathless…more like it.)   Got work to do.  In America we tend to think of everything that is  really  important, valuable, or commendable as work.  Play is leisure, frivolity, vacation (as in vacate work), and even when we think we  need  some, deserve it, or have  earned it, our comparison is to work.  That isn’t going to make play better or more meaningful or actually less guilty, rationalized, or justifiable.   We justify play.  Why is that?  Could it be the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism doing its own insidious work upon our subconscious?  (Thank you, Weber.)     Work is toil by definition when it isn’t drudgery.  Work is effort whether or not it’s travail.  What’s the antonym of work?  Entertainment? Laziness? Negligence?  I’m weary just thinking about this one.  And the prolllem’  (that’s

Rajanaka Newsletter March 22 2023

  Wednesday, March 22, 2023   Aho’Rajanaka,   How  ever  did a kid from Jersey end up in India?   But I gotta know how it feels I want to know if love is wild …I want to know if love is real Oh, can you show me   Well, I got the memo.  That was August 1975.  It took a little while to see where that would lead.  Maybe someone could show me.  Sometimes the real thing  does  come along and  maybe  you’re just smart  enough  to see how lucky you are.  That pretty much sums up my life.  Appa was all The Lucky one kid could ever have asked for. But I’ve been luckier still.  He gave me you, our conversation, and maybe I don't tell you this enough but really you mean the world to me.  Academics has been swell, it’s been a gift and a privilege, but our work together has been nothing less than the Blessing.  Thanks for you.   Now word has it the Boss was at the White House this past week schmoozing it up with Joe to receive  the National Medal of Arts .  There were 23 total  recipients inclu