From The Lost Collection of Unpublished Sunday Sermons: Got Quail?
Last night I was thinking about doing yoga---you know, Stretching in Sanskrit---but drank some tequila instead. This will, of course, getcha' to thinking about quails. A clear choice made to face a ruinous world in which the numbers never really add up or amount to enough to change the inevitable. I could either lament the absence of more tequila or I could read the Book of Numbers. I'm sure this choice also sounds familiar to those among you who have considered the consequences of too much God and too little tequila. For a brief moment I considered a healthier alternative, perhaps some asana washed down by kale smoothie? It always helps when I'm genuinely depressed to think about doing some yoga (insert ordinary meaning). Of course that's invariably where it ends too. Thinking is exhausting enough. So to insure I wasn't going to think anymore much less do "yoga," I got about gettin’ on my wrathful, angry, fuckedup OldTestament Almighty. The Lord