Indulging the Truly Futile, Stupid Gesture for a Laugh
It’s not very adult of me to continue to be inspired by the original National Lampoon movie Animal House . Sorry. ‘Can’t help it. Plus, Belushi. So there’s that. I need to laugh at the tragic absurdity, the painful truth, the helplessly hoping that wonders if her harlequin still hovers. I am offended by almost everything but what's about that is new? It's not like being "offended" is anything but smīva. Smīva is the Sanskrit phrase used in the Gita for when Krsna "as if smiles" when Arjuna finally breaks down and asks for help. It's what my mother used to call "that look on your face." Well, that might be all I got: that look on my face. I refuse to make others bend to my tender feelings problems, so I'm not inclined to bend to theirs. If you’re easily offended by this or that word or gesture or idea I might only appear to be nice about indulging that and your pronouns. Appearances really do matter when real